
Download the Sims 3 Free Full Version for Mac Updated

Download the Sims 3 Free Full Version for Mac

The Sims 3 PC/Mac Download - Official Total Game

  • $18.99

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Buy The Sims 3 PC/Mac Download

The game that first opened up the world of video games to a wider audience is back, going across being just a virtual dollhouse to a consummate interactive

neighbourhood. The basic concept is still the same though, equally you create your own computerised family and help (or hinder) them in achieving their lifetime dreams.

Instead of just dealing with 1 firm at a time though, your whole sims town is part of one continuous map, with neighbours going about their business organization independently. Likewise your own family unit tin can explore at volition and interact with any and all buildings and people.

Once fully grown a sim can accept up to 60 personality traits - from loner to flirt - all of which you can influence via their environment and the people they interact with. However you want to play and whatsoever y'all want to do it's easier than ever to create your ain virtual soap opera.

Key Features

  • Instant expansion: The game includes many feature from the The Sims 2 expansions from the off, including personal inventories, pets, individual cars, restaurants and gardening.

  • Sims in the mood: Monitor your sim's half dozen moodlets - hunger, float, energy, social, hygiene and fun - to see how they're feeling and what they want to practise.

  • Life goals: Every sim has their ain wishes and opportunities, including a main lifetime wish - it's up to you whether you help them towards information technology or purposefully confound them.

  • Wide world: The giant game world not just looks meliorate than e'er but ways that your sim is no longer simply tied to their house, just is able to interact with the whole town.

  • Virtual makeover: The Create-A-Sims tool is more than flexible than always, with the power to alter weight, fettle, pilus and clothing down to the tiniest detail - including freckles and birthmarks!

PC Requirements

OPERATING Organisation: XP SP2 / Vista SP1 / Windows seven, viii, 10
PROCESSOR: (WINDOWS XP) 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; (Windows Vista and Windows 7) 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
RAM: For XP 1 GB RAM / Windows Vista and Windows seven 1.5 GB RAM*
Difficult Drive: At to the lowest degree eight.1GB of hard drive space.
Video: 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
* For NVIDIA ION™ computers, the game requires at least two GB RAM.

Supported Video Cards: Nvidia GeForce 6 series or meliorate, and all NVidia G, GT, GTS, and GTX video cards. ATI Radeon™ series card 9500 series or better, and all ATI 10, X1, and HD video cards; Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA): GMA 3-Series, GMA 4-Series
Delight note that the GeForce 6100 and 7100 cards are non supported.

Mac Requirements

OS: Mac Os X x.5.7 Leopard or higher
CPU: Intel Core Duo Processor
Hard Drive: At to the lowest degree 7.ane GB of hard drive infinite
Video: ATI X1600 or Nvidia 7300 GT with 128 MB of Video RAM, or Intel Integrated GMA X3100
This game will non run on PowerPC (G3/G4/G5) based Mac systems, or the GMA950 course of integrated video cards.

Download the Sims 3 Free Full Version for Mac

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